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Life transitions

Each stage of life requires adjustment. Whether we are coasting along an anticipated path or surprised by the twists and turns life throws at us; we must constantly adapt and learn to accept new realities. This is no easy task to take on alone.

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Societal expectations

From the moment we are conscious of our surroundings, we are acutely aware of what society expects of us. The stereotypes imposed begin with gender, sexuality, physicality, emotions, communication and more. Many adults struggle to come to terms that their lives are not as linear as they presumed they would be, even after “doing everything right”.

I ask you, what is this idea of “right”? What is this preconceived notion of what a storybook crafted life looks like? Why are we so rigid with ourselves?

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Fertility challenges are a shock. Women are conditioned to expect to have the opportunity to carry if they desire. Men are conditioned to believe they can reproduce with ease. Individually, these experiences are gut-wrenching. In a relationship, it is difficult to know how to acknowledge the struggle and how to support a partner.

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Maternal Mental Health

The stressors of fertility, pregnancy, prenatal, postpartum emotional experiences, fetal and infant loss -- are all incredibly common but seldom discussed. The growth of the field of maternal mental health is because we are finally talking about the emotional implications maternal experiences have on us as individuals, as partners, and as a society. Validation and help are here if you are receptive to it.

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Once we choose a partner, the work begins. With every changing moment of a day, we experience a myriad of emotions: guessing our love, falling more in love, ambivalence, attraction, codependence -- to name a few. Relationships take work, but self reflection is point 0 in that equation. How can we become the best versions of ourselves to then be strong, supportive, communicative partners in return?

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Anxiety & Depression

Both anxiety and depression are chronic issues many of us live with. How can we embrace the presence of frightening, polarizing emotions and develop the mechanisms to cope?